Saturday, May 14, 2011

mood : sedih

kenape aku rase kau dah takde kawan ?


dorang sume pegi mane ?


dorang sume sebok nak sambung belaja


dorang dah lupe friendship


tak boleh huha huha mcm dulu


omg i hate this :'(

Monday, May 9, 2011

the semangat ke ?

i hope i can be someone to be proud of
i am the last hope of the family 
especially my abah and mama

i never dream or even imagine that 
'i want to be an engineer one day'
i never serious with my words
i never stick to my own words

i never serious 

i never dream to be part of UTP
well i am not bragging here to say that UTP is great 
but i admit that UTP is one of the best university
yang masuk pun bukan calang calang
so that is why i say like that
this is like a fairytale

standing there alone in perak
far far far away from home
i cant easily call them to get me home
i cant easily call them to visit me 

''i came from johor bahru with hope 
to get a new life in 
bandar seri iskandar , perak''

i believe this is my rezeki
all this fates are arranged perfectly by Him
Allah knows better 
Allah know what the best for all His servants

''assalamualaikum my name nurul ain ihsan and you can call me Ain 
and im from johor bahru ''

even i cant speak english well like other JBrians
but i believe that language is not a barrier for me
they want to see your ideas
and not your language error
this is not TESL
this is engineering courses
they want to see something different inside yourself
they want to see your specialty 
they are seeking for outstanding people

take a deep breath and speak out your minds 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

huwaaaaaaaaaa mak ! sumpah sedih !

someone please lend me your shoulder :(

blog aku kan so suka hati aku laa

luahan hati aku 
lol bunyi macam ape kan ?

sumpah sedih aku nangis :'(

tau tak aku stress ?

tolong lah i need someone to talk :(

oh god !

i need alia :(
i need fatin :(
i need wendy jugak :(
i need lala :(
i need iza :(
i need my kurap :'(
i need jibek :(

okay fine aku bukan lah seorang yang layak utk pegi utp tu yes sume yg pegi pandai pandai
aku tau tu sume
pegi iv pun kiri kanan tnye results sume atas aku
okay fine bukan aku ta syukur kau dpt 5A tuu but then 
boleh bayangkan mcm kau kat sebuah istana yg sume golongan diraja
tp kau sorg orang biase
ape darjat kau ngn dorg ?

mcm tu lah aku :'(
mak , sedih :(

mcm sorg tukang sampah berkawan ngn sorg manager 

aku : ma nak pegi matrik ke utp 
mama : sukati laa ain yg blaja 

aku : okayyyyyyyyyyyyyy ! nmpaknye mcm takde pressure dr parents aku

mak , sape taknak masuk utp kan bilaa dah dpt ?
tp sedih laa
orang tnye 5A dpt utp eh ?
pastu dpt utp nak gebang cite kat fb 

pastu org sebok tanye mcm mcm apesal kau dpt utp?
dapat kos ape ?
kau dpt scholar eh ?
mahal laa belaja situ

dan mcm mcm mak , again sumpah aku stress gilaa
skrg mcm rase biaa ah utp !
belum tentu aku dpt keje ngn petronas pun 
sape nak temankan aku pegi matriks ?

p/s : aku tak terasa pun ape kau ckp tp mmg la ade saket hati sket but thanks hariz kau sedarkan aku -_-

aku mmg mcm ni -________-

mula mula nak cakap ni
alhamdulillah wa syukurilah
bersyukur padaMu ya Allah

lepastu nak cakap ni
huwaa rase nak nanges pun ade :/

ce cite ce cite :D 

okay at first i got this :
kolej matrikulasi johor,tangkak
jurusan : sains 
daftar 23rd of may 2011
ive no feeling sgt mcm blur mcm nak taknak

then second i got this :
checked upu ,
diploma kejuruteraan mekanikal 
nak tau kat mane ?
uitm penang 
hamek kau nun si sanaaaaaa ...
register on 21st of may jugakk

third ! i got this :
sememangnye i already done the educamp utp interview 2011
for private student 
dont ask me why i got utp and blablabla
sbb aku dah mentioned private atas tuu -_-
well i know i just got 5a2b2c 
kinda disqualified kan ?
ahh malas nak bebel laa 
and ! unexpected !
hahaha ter-caps lock pulak !
yelah aku belagak gilaaaa kan ?
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !
foundation engineering program - 1 year
degree in engineering of electrical and electronics - 4 years
*broken english kan ? haha aku maen hentam je ni sume aku agak agak je :p

ape yg menyebabkan aku nak nangis adelah
alia iza athira sapik jakpa azman haikal
wahh mereka sume hebat hebat belaakaa

alia is waiting for maktab but alia got asasi sains fizikal same ngn jakpa
alia jugak dpt matriks kmj ! jakpa dpt kmm 
iza dpt asasi um same ngn sapik ,athira , haikal
iza dpt matriks selangor
sapik dpt kmj same ngn aku n ale
athira dpt matriks nogori
azman dpt asasi sains uitm ngn kmm

dah tu je sekalian
hope that our friendship never ends :(
i loveeeeeeeeeee you all laaa
and terima kasih sume korang